Congratulations! The new Cornhole champions are Donnie and Cami Callaway. This father-daughter team went undefeated on the evening against a 20-team bracket. There were two second-place teams, the team of Brooklynn Martinez and Belle Hall, and the team of Jaxson Shuman and Brady Leake.
Start practicing now for the next Eastside Cornhole Event!
"Daughters Of Our King" Saturday, March 8 @ 11:00 AM
Girls ages 7 through 11 are invited to attend this special meeting. They will learn about cooking, make simple handcrafts, play games, and have a Bible study. The overall goal is to teach the girls simple skills and to guide them into attitudes after God’s heart. Please see Charity Leader for more details.
Evangelism Mobilization Team Meeting Sunday, March 9 12:00 PM
Prime-Timers Luncheon Tuesday, March 11 11:30 AM
If you are 50 and older you are invited to join us for our monthly Prime-Timers luncheon. Bring a dish or two and join us for food, fellowship, games and a devotion. Don’t miss it!
The Lord's Supper Sunday, March 16 6:00 PM
This is always a spiritual experience as we reflect back on Calvary and consider the great price Jesus paid for our salvation.
Men's Breakfast Saturday, March 22
Breakfast will be held at Perkins Restaurant, beginning at 8:30 AM. Come join the fun and fellowship.
Events In March
March 7 – Cornhole Night
March 9 – Daylight Savings (Spring forward)
March 16 – Lord’s Supper (Evening Service)
March 22 – Men’s Breakfast
March 29 – AWANA Race Car Day
March 30 – Praise Service (Evening Service)
Lydia Martinez – March 11
Prayer Chain Director
Jacquie Parker
Phone Number (816) 646-2226
Nursery Schedule
Sunday morning (10:30) – Jenni Rigby & Carol Donaldson Sunday evening (6:00) – Marilyn Campbell Wednesday evening (7:00) – Kim Callaway