Weekly Bulletin

February 2, 2025

Friend Sunday
Sunday, February 16

Bring someone with you and enjoy a fun day of singing and uplifting preaching. The morning service will be followed by a luncheon of soup and sandwiches. 

The special of the day will be a chili cookoff to see who is the best chili maker. Sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to make some chili or to be a judge. 

David Dunning

Ladies Planning Meeting
Sunday, February 2 @ 12:00 PM

Ladies, please join us right after the morning service, in the teen room for lunch, and we will brainstorm ways to serve in the church for 2025. Bring your ideas, and be ready for food and fellowship.

Church Cornhole Champions
Brooklynn & Belle

Congratulations to Brooklynn Martinez and Belle Hall. These young ladies were the runners-up during the last two tournaments of 2024. They have finally broken through on a well-deserved win. We would also like to give a shout-out to Aiden Shuman and Brady Leake on their second-place finish. 

"Daughters Of Our King"
Saturday, February 8 @ 11:00 AM

Girls ages 7 through 11 are invited to attend this special meeting. They will learn about cooking, make simple handcrafts, play games, and have a Bible study. The overall goal is to teach the girls simple skills and to guide them into attitudes after God’s heart. Please see Charity Leader for more details. 


Marsha McGlothlin – February 4

Heather Sturtz – February 6

Jimmy Bracken – February 8

Shirly Hans – February 8

Prayer Chain Director

Jacquie Parker

Phone Number (816) 646-2226

Nursery Schedule

Sunday morning (10:30) – Jenni Rigby
Sunday evening (6:00) – Barb VanderMolen
Wednesday evening (7:00) – Brooklynn Martinez

Eastside Baptist Church